Friday, July 8, 2016

“Night Night, Farm” by Amy Parker

“Night Night, Farm” by Amy Parker and illustrated by Virginia Allyn is a medium-sized, puffy-covered board book for ages infant to toddler.

The story is about farm animals getting ready for and going to bed – the piggies have to bathe,

the calf gets a lullaby, a little foal (especially cute in green jammies) falls asleep at his daddy’s

feet after a long day of play, and little lambs count sheep. At the end of the story the narrator

reminds the reader that God created all of the animals – and him too!

All of the pages are completely illustrated and are full of vibrant colors. The pictures are engaging – there is lots for parents to point out to their children. On each page (except one . . . you’ll see why when you read the book) there are two little mice who also seem to be watching the story. The surprise that the mice give at the end would be exciting for children.

I recommend this book to others.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.



  1. YAY! Thanks for the review! Glad you love the mice surprise at the end. ;) Enjoy!

  2. YAY! Thanks for the review! Glad you love the mice surprise at the end. ;) Enjoy!
