Friday, May 24, 2019

10 Minutes in the Word: John by Zondervan

Like all of Zondervan’s gift books, 10 Minutes in the Word: John makes a crisp, handsome gift and boasts the same high quality of writing, insight, and publishing that Zondervan is known for.

This small, red and gold hardcover book is a welcoming devotional, emitting an aura of solitude and serenity. The simplicity of it—ample white space evoking contemplation, and no pictures—emits an aura of solitude. It has a presentation page and cloth bookmark. The book contains 46 devotionals. Each devotional includes approximately 10 verses to read and one or two of those typed out, a 1-2 page devotional thought, a prayer, and words and questions for reflection. This book would work equally well for solitary or group devotions.

One of this devotional book’s best features is that it makes the reader open his Bible. Each entry gives the reader a few Psalms to read. The reader is given an excerpt in the book but must open his Bible to read all of the verses.

Theologian D.A. Carson writes, “John is simple enough for a child to read and complex enough to tax the mental powers of the greatest minds.” This devotional urges readers to shun self-absorption and to seek God’s face. Readers hear messages of dependence and of thirst being quenched. Reminders that love for God should motivate how we treat others.  

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Maxwell Leadership Bible: Lessons in Leadership from The Word of God by John C. Maxwell, Third Edition

The Maxwell Leadership Bible: Lessons in Leadership from The Word of God by John C. Maxwell, Third Edition, is tastefully and richly themed in navy, white, and gold to appeal to both men and women.

It is a substantial, hardcover Bible, New International Version. It is completed by a presentation page for giving and a cloth bookmark.

The book begins with notes from the author—reminding and encouraging all readers that they are leaders in their spheres. Maxwell prompts his readers to look to the Bible—the ultimate leadership Book—for leadership guidance.

The font is a new “easy-to-read comfort print,” which I actually didn’t find easy to read but rather a bit disjointed. That is my only critique of the Bible.

Each book of the Bible begins with an Introduction and sidebars including “God’s Role in Ruth,” “Leaders in Ruth,”  “Other People of Influence in Ruth,” and “Lessons in Leadership” (ex. God will accomplish his purpose through unlikely people [a Moabite woman!]). Also included are “Leadership Highlights in Ruth” (ex. Generosity: Boaz giving without keeping score).

Also featured in the books of the Bible are sections titled “Profile in Leadership.” In Ruth, Boaz is featured as a “model of kindness and spiritual leadership” because he greets his servants with the words “The Lord be with you!”

At the end of the Bible, there are ample resources for study, all leadership focused. There are “Leadership Laws,” each coinciding with stories and verses and characters, and similarly there are “Leadership Qualities” and “Leadership Issues,” and so many more, all building off the Bible and Maxwell’s leadership studies and lessons.

This Bible is fraught with resources for personal and group study, and I highly recommend it to any leader—which is anyone.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Devotions from the Beach by Thomas Nelson

After reading only the first of 100 devotionals in Devotions from the Beach, I could picture a beach-loving lady lounging under an umbrella amidst a sandy summer breeze, this book in hand, being drawn to her Creator. 

Published by Thomas Nelson, within the hardcovers of this book are one-page devotionals with a verse and a one-page prayer, accompanied by a full-page, full-color beach-themed photo: a child jumping in waves, a lighthouse, waves, a seashell, and more.

Written for women, this book’s tone is one of agreeable contemplation. Jumping through waves can be futile on one’s own, but when friends link arms they overpower the wave. Just as whales call to each other across the ocean, our hearts call to each other to join in communion with God. Just as a sun shower interrupts a beach day, so does a friend’s inconvenient phone call interrupt our day—but we must answer and be a friend. 

The devotions touch on common aspects and stressors in a woman’s life: friendship, paying bills, unwarranted changes, striving for perfection, and more. The devotions address these commonalities and then point readers to God and his solution, peace, and calm. 

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.