Monday, January 14, 2019

I Love You, Funny Bunny by Zondervan

Zondervan’s “I Love You, Funny Bunny” is a large, hardcover book, beautifully illustrated by Sean Julian, geared toward children ages 4-8, but could be enjoyed by children as young as 2.

This book is essentially a 12-stanza poem—not a story. Given that the rhyming verse isn’t a story, these lyrics would seem more appropriately packaged in a board book rather than such a large hardcover book. Nonetheless, the illustrations are whimsical and the message is sweet: a mommy bunny tells her child, Funny Bunny, all the times that she loves him or her (Funny Bunny is not defined as male or female, which makes the book desirable to all children) including when they’re walking and talking about their day, when they’re playing dress up, when they’re singing, and just each moment of each day.

There is no mention of God, but the parent reading the book could make applications. Also, the author of the book is not stated. Is it simply Zondervan? But on the inside cover there is a dedication made by the initials BH. Also, the price seems quite high for a short poem—I’d be more willing to consider paying that price if it were a story. The illustrations are definitely what drive this book.
Overall, this book is a sweet, happy read about the love between a mother and child.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

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