Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Devotions for Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas

Gary Thomas has done it again – put my thoughts, doubts, fears, and feelings – not about marriage this time but parenting – into words wrapped in truth, encouragement, and purpose.

Thomas’ Devotions for Sacred Parenting reminds parents that while we’re parenting our kids, we’re also being parented by God – and we should seek to be parented by God. This book is not a “do this” “do that” manual, but rather a reminder that to be effective parents we must be wrapped up not in our kids but in our desire to have a relationship with our King.

This book contains 52 devotionals that are each approximately a couple of pages long. Each devotional is followed by a prayer and questions for reflection. Not cheesy questions, but questions worth of spouses’ discussion.

Each devotional Thomas has included spoke to me, and I think they will speak to my husband as well. He reminds readers to always act as though God is in the room. To hate sin. To be humble. To enjoy each moment. And to not take our spouses or our kids for granted.  

Like he does about marriage, Thomas doesn’t say that parenting is easy and that we’ll always be adored by our kids and adore them. He says it’s hard, but worth it. We need Thomas’ refreshing, culture-countering book.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

God’s Promises for Graduates: Class of 2018, compiled by Jack Countryman

What a handsome gift to give a graduate. This small, blue hardcover book, embossed with silver lettering and complete with a tassel bookmark, offers an experience for readers.

God’s Promises for Graduates: Class of 2018, compiled by Jack Countryman, is a nearly 200-page book organized into the following sections: What to do when you need . . . , What to do when you feel . . . , What the Bible has to say about . . . , What Jesus means to you . . . , What to do when you are . . . , and Truth from the Bible about . . . . Each section includes topics, which are followed by multiple verses to offer answers to the questions/desires readers seek.

This book would be most appropriate for a high school or university graduation. A younger person (8th grade, for example), may not relate as maturely to the topics.

The Bible verses included are well-thought-out – they aren’t just the standard answers that people would expect to see.

This book was put together with much thought and consideration, and is a gem for a person strong in their faith and perhaps even better for a new believer.

I recommend this book to others.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.