Saturday, September 1, 2018

Desired by God by Van Moody

It’s been a few years since I read Van Moody’s The People Factor, but its lessons have stayed with me, and the book has retained a spot on my ever-rotating bookshelves. So, when I saw this new book by Moody—Desired by God—my interest was immediately piqued. Now, after reading it, not only will it secure a space on my shelf but I’m off to the bookstore to find his other book, The i Factor.

This book does exactly what its name implies: shows readers or reminds readers that they are desired by God. The Everlasting, Almighty Creator.

The first of three sections is about covenants—reminding readers that God’s ideal is not the laws of Leviticus but the Garden of Eden, the covenant made with Noah, and the covenant made with Abraham. All designed to pursue us. The second section reminds of readers who God is. He is the Shepherd. He leads us to goodness, rest, and peace. He is accessible. He is present. He is our Helper. The third section reveals the gifts God gives to us, His beloved: forgiveness, hope, favor, and freedom.

Three characteristics that make this book stand out:

1.      Laced throughout the chapters and the book are real-life stories: of Kierkegaard and Regine, of an Auschwitz survivor searching for his girlfriend, of a mom befriending her son’s murderer.
2.      Moody writes this book so that people unfamiliar with the Bible can appreciate every reference. Instead of assuming his readers know the story of the Good Samaritan, for example, he includes, verbatim, the story from scripture. Because of this, this book is an evangelistic tool.
3.      This book could also be used for group study, because at the end of each chapter is a page or two of Points to Remember and Questions to Ponder.

Thank you, Moody, for showing us how, and to what extent, God desires us.
I recommend this book to others.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

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