“Mother’s Day Blessings” by Mike
Berenstain is a sweet tribute to mama bears.
The cubs are excited to present Mama
with a surprise for Mother’s Day—they plan to take her out to eat after church.
On their way to church, the cubs learn that all children think their mothers
are the most special. The cubs also realize that women in their community such
as officers and doctors are moms too. As the family drives through Bear
Country, the cubs witness the variety of moms being celebrated on this special
Mike Berenstain delivers a touching
tribute to moms. Watching the cubs discover all of the other moms in the
community was endearing. I like the fact that the Bear Family went to church on
Mother’s Day. The simple act of a family attending church together is something
children need to read and enjoy. The preacher gave a speech of thanks for the
moms, and then a Bible verse was mentioned. I thought the Bible verse was a bit
of a stretch and I think that kids may find it to be confusing, but perhaps it
opens the door for conversation. As always, the inside back cover includes stimulating
activities and questions for parents and children.
publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through
BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.
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