The James Code by
O.S. Hawkins has 52 chapters—each chapter focusing on verses and insight from
the Book of James.
Hawkins begins by telling his readers that James
doesn’t write about faith and works
but about a faith that works. Each
chapter is titled and is followed by a passage from James. Hawkins then
explains the passage and offers illustrations and applications. Each chapter
ends with a short passage titled Just Do
It! which prompts readers to immediately apply the lesson in the verses.
The book itself is pretty. It would make a nice
gift. It’s small and has an embossed, padded cover. The idea of the book is
also intriguing—the idea that the Book of James has a code to be cracked. And
Hawkins cracks it. His illustrations and applications are simple and short, but
profound and inspiring. He left me with a few one-liners to tuck into my pocket
and use when I need a boost upward. I also liked how Hawkins began some
chapters with the same verses or portions of the same verses. This allowed for
continuity in the reading and application of James’ messages.
I recommend this book to others.
publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through
BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.
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