Wednesday, March 21, 2018

“Little Critter Little Blessings Collection” by Mercer Mayer

I’ve been reading a lot of simple children’s stories lately, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that this collection of four stories by Mercer Mayer: “You Go First,” “Being Thankful,” It’s True,” and “We All Need Forgiveness” is anything but simple.

In this “Little Critter Little Blessings Collection,” Mercer Mayer teaches lessons in a way that kids will grasp, and he teaches the lessons thoroughly. Many books reach the point of the lesson and then stop. Mayer doesn’t stop. He keeps the story going–these read as actual stories rather than lessons disguised as stories. They are thorough and complete.

Mayer uses expressions that kids would use such as “It’s not Fair!” (the theme of the first story), “That’s not true!” (the theme of the second story), and “I wish I had ________!” (the theme of the third story. The words that Little Critter uses are the exact words I can imagine a 5-7 year old saying. Therefore, readers are sure to get the lesson. Of course the pictures are great (vibrant, engaging, assisting in telling the story), and the spiritual message is just the right amount. Mention is made to what God says in the Bible, with such a flair that a child reader is bound to agree and maybe feel a bit guilty about his selfish actions.

I highly recommend this collection!

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

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