“Night Night, Jungle” by Amy Parker
and illustrated by Virginia Allyn is a medium-sized, puffy-covered board book
for ages infant to toddler.
The story is about jungle animals getting ready for and
going to bed – the jaguars get one more splash in the pond before bed, the tiny
toucan needs to brush his teeth, the curly chameleons get one more story, the
sloth gets snuggles with mommy, and the little lemurs thank God for the food
they eat before bed. At the end of the story the narrator
reminds the reader that God created all of the jungle
creatures. I like that the activities each creature engages in before bed are
activities our kids would do/want to do too.
All of the pages are completely
illustrated and are full of vibrant colors. The pictures are engaging – there
is lots for parents to point out to their children. On each page a few words
are in a different color: this gives opportunities for parents to have their
kids read those words or point them out or show what in the picture coordinates
with the words. I like that the jungle creatures chosen aren’t typical, so kids
can learn about animals they may not have heard of before.
I recommend this book to others.
publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through
BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.