Thursday, April 26, 2018

Night Night, Jungle by Amy Parker

“Night Night, Jungle” by Amy Parker and illustrated by Virginia Allyn is a medium-sized, puffy-covered board book for ages infant to toddler.

The story is about jungle animals getting ready for and going to bed – the jaguars get one more splash in the pond before bed, the tiny toucan needs to brush his teeth, the curly chameleons get one more story, the sloth gets snuggles with mommy, and the little lemurs thank God for the food they eat before bed. At the end of the story the narrator
reminds the reader that God created all of the jungle creatures. I like that the activities each creature engages in before bed are activities our kids would do/want to do too.

All of the pages are completely illustrated and are full of vibrant colors. The pictures are engaging – there is lots for parents to point out to their children. On each page a few words are in a different color: this gives opportunities for parents to have their kids read those words or point them out or show what in the picture coordinates with the words. I like that the jungle creatures chosen aren’t typical, so kids can learn about animals they may not have heard of before.

I recommend this book to others.

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

I Can Only Imagine by Bart Millard

One of the neatest aspects of “I Can Only Imagine: A Friendship with Jesus Now and Forever” by Bart Millard and illustrated by Sumiti Collina is that it’s written by the singer of the hit song!

Geared toward kids ages 3-8, this book offers lots to think about. Questions arise such as will there be pancakes in heaven? Forts? Ice cream? Does God have a pet? The author asks the questions and leaves the answer to the imagination. Lots of opportunities exist for parents and kids to talk about possibilities of heaven as they read this book together. The book is full of rhymes which makes it fun for kids learning to read.

This book is a good length. Often, story books are too short, but this one keeps going for a meaningful and worthwhile read. The last page sums up the purpose/tone of the book nicely: “I can only imagine what my eyes will see when we’re walking together – Jesus and me. I can only imagine . . .”

The illustrations are span the full spread on each page and are clear, bold, colorful, happy, and engaging!

The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.

Monday, April 9, 2018

A Memory a Day for Moms 5-Year Inspirational Journal

A Memory a Day for Moms 5-Year Inspirational Journal is a beautiful book! It would make a great gift for an expectant mother or for any mother with kids probably age birth-15.
I was bit skeptical when I ordered this book because I typically don’t like scripted journal prompts and I feel like if I miss one day I can’t catch up, but that’s not what this book is. Calm exudes from the pages of this book. The teal and gold hardcover book with ribbon bookmark make the book feel special – and it is.
Each page contains five spaces to write – one for each of five years. The years are not labeled. The writer labels them. At the top of each page is a prompt such as “My child’s personality is best described as ________” or “What is your child’s favorite thing about you?” The writer is given a few lines for each year in which to respond to the prompt.
At the bottom of each page is a Bible verse and a prayer. If you go on vacation you don’t have to worry about taking this book with you. You can easily write the prompts when you get back or even before you leave. I love that. Sometimes it even takes me a couple of days to decide how I want to answer a day.
I highly recommend this book as a gift or for yourself if you are a mom!
The publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.