Parables: The Mysteries of God’s Kingdom Revealed through the
Stories Jesus Told by John MacArthur intellectually
enlightens readers of the history and meanings of Jesus’ parables.
MacArthur examines twelve of Jesus’
parables. He gives complete context of the characters and time period. He
includes the parables and many other explanatory Bible references in each
chapter. MacArthur shows his readers what parables are, why Jesus used them,
and what they mean for us.
After reading the first few pages, I
thought I’d made a mistake in choosing to review this book. MacArthur is
obviously a seasoned preacher and intellectual, and the scope of this book was
far beyond the simple enlightening I wanted of the parables.
However, the book soon surprised me.
MacArthur’s expertise easily opened my eyes to many facts, ideas, and
perspectives about the parables that I didn’t know, and I soon found myself
voraciously scrolling through the pages. MacArthur’s insight definitely made me
think and want to share my new findings with my friends! On top of that, his
writer’s craft is brilliant.
I recommend this book to others.
publisher has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book through
BookSneeze®. I was not required to write a positive review.